We have over 1500 CDs, films, fiche and books to help
genealogists with their German research. We know that everyone has a limited
amount of time to spend researching their family history. In an attempt to help
others manage their time, below is a list of four books that I found to be very
helpful with my German research.
1. Meyers Orts-und
Verkehers-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs by Raymond S. Wright III and E.
Uetrecht (Location and transport lexicon)

This three-volume set is an important gazetteer describing
210,000 cities, towns, hamlets, and dwelling places in the German Empire prior
to World War I. It is written in German,
using the old Gothic font. Therefore, to
get the full value of what is available, one needs to become familiar with the
old Gothic font and be willing to work through translations. Another slight hindrance is the use of abbreviations. In the very front of each volume is a list of
these abbreviations and their meanings—first in German and next in
English. There is an explanation of the
books and an introduction in English, which begins on page [1] of Volume
I. Page [2] includes a list of the
Gothic alphabet used within the books.
Page [4] tells how to use the volumes to find records in archives,
record offices, and libraries. Like in
the United States, many name places are used multiple times. These volumes help the researcher determine
which one is relevant for their ancestors.
For many of the larger cities there are maps and a list of streets. Volume I includes places which begin with
A-K. The second volume includes places
which begin with L-Z. Volume III is a
Published by: Genealogical Publishing Co., c2000
Hardcover: 3 vol.
Call number: 943 E5mo
2000,v1, v2, and v3
2. German-English Genealogical Dictionary
by Ernest Thode, referred to as Thode
Not only does this volume include helpful translations of
German genealogical terms, but it also includes handwriting helps. It gives several samples of various ways of
writing each letter of the alphabet, both capital and small letters.
Published by: Genealogical Pub. Co., c1992
Paperback: 286 pages
Call number: 433.21
T352g 1992
3. A Genealogical and Demographic Handbook of
German Handwriting, 17th-19th Centuries by Norman J.
Storrer and Larry O. Jensen
Cover |
Inside front cover |
Anyone beginning German research would be well-advised to
spend some time with this book. It gives
several exercises one can do to help become familiar with German
handwriting. There are also seven
appendices, two of which are glossaries:
of terms, and of given names.
Published by: Storrer, c1977
Hardcover: 157 pages
Call number: 943 G3sj
4. If I Can, You Can Decipher Germanic Records
by Edna M. Bentz
This helpful book includes:
- Alphabets – German and Danish
- Use of Umlauts in Surnames
- General Information
- Relationships
- Terminology and Symbols – German
- Common Abreviations (sic) – German
- Church Year and Feasts – German
- Months of the Year and Days of the Week
- Germanic Latin and Danish Terminology
- Glossary of Illnesses – German, Latin and Danish
- Glossary of Occupations – German, Latin and
- What Was Going on In the World and Community of
Your Ancestor When?
- Alphabet Song
This book is not copyrighted and you may want to copy many
pages from it.
A page from Occupations Glossary |
A page from the Alphabet |
Published by: Bentz, c1982
Softcover: 85 pages
Call number: 943 G3be
Contributed by: Ann Kersten